
Thursday 3 March 2011

Dying from Dioxin

Everything is bigger in the States....Well that goes for their environmental pollution and environmental campaigns too. The Centre of Health, Environment and Justice was set up in the wake of the Love Canal tragedy and continues to fight for environmental justice to this day. If you think government or big business are looking out for you best interests think again, indeed don't many of our champions of government have another life as advisers of guess who....? big business. For a brief time while in government they have to devolve these interests while they get on with looking out for the people.

The story of dioxins sounds like another popular toxic history tale, that of cigarettes. Scientific evidence falsified and a catalogue of mis-information aimed at maintaining the status-quo, which is to keep on making money. Lois Marie Gibbs of CHEJ in her book Dying of Dioxin has produced an incredibly enlightening exposure of the corporate greed preventing government from acting in the interests of the people. The following extract from the Politics of Dioxins is particularly interesting.

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