
Tuesday 29 March 2011

Medical Marijuana

Cannabis, Marijuana

The widescale medicinal use of Marijuana in small parts of the United States, particularly in California, shows how societal tolerance of marijuana use leads to cultural change. While the credibility of all users claim to a medicinal need remains debatable, the outcome seems to be a society at apparent ease with itself.

Jay Selthofner is a citizen activist, blogger, online advertising specialst, and the current Executive Director of Northern Wisconsin NORML. He was an Independent candidate for Wisconsin State Assembly in November 2010 and is currently running for Board Supervisor in the Town of Brooklyn. The election will be on April 5, 2011. He ran his 2010 State Assembly campaign on the platform that we need to legalize Industrial Hemp in order to give our farmers a profitable crop to grow, stimulate manufacturing in many industries such as paper, textiles, equipment, food products, and more; give our patients safe, compassionate, and legal access to their medicine; and respect the freedom of United States citizens to responsibly use Cannabis for both Medical Use and Recreational use. See Jay's views on other issues at his website,

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