
Monday 4 April 2011

Why Should India be Investigating a Reincarnated Tibetan Lama

HH 17th Gyalwang Karmapa
The ridiculous state of paranoia, no doubt caused by bureacracy and corruption in India has led tabloid journalists to gloat over this psuedo scandal, rather than concentrate on real news. The Karmapa is a Chinese spy. Get real! $1million in cash mostly in Chinese denomination was fond in his monastery. Well if you don't let Tibetan Nationals open bank accounts in India what do you expect. An accumulation of donations. Thankfully the Karmapa is popular enough to continue to receive donations. 

The whole succesion of Tibetan Lamas has been thrown into dissaray by the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959. Now there are at least two Karmapas. The Panchen Lama has been disappeared and replaced by a Chinese doppelganger.

None of this touches upon the truth. Perhaps it is time the Karmapa shakes off his shackles and starts to cultivate his persona in the wolrd, like the Dalai Lama has done. he will no doubt be lauded in the right paces. There are enough western Buddhists to be able to discriminate between right and wrong. Support the Karmapa on Facebook.

Why India Is Investigating a Reincarnated Tibetan Lama

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